Monday 7 September 2009

Bear retriever

I must confess. Standing behind a furry behind makes me feel nice and snug. As a hunter one of my first pets was Mama, a brown furry bear from the Silverpine forest. As a tiny little blood elf that was quite a travel for me. And then to find my Mama... a bear of suitable color and... of level so I would have a shot at taming her. She didn’t gave up her freedom easily. She nocked me off my feet with her huge rams.

A few levels laters the original Mama war replaced with a white one. That trek also was something of an test for my blood elf Sunfire’s determination and stamina. Mainly cause I missed the spawn spot the first time and ended up exploring the whole Dun Morogh before I found my bear, Mama. The bear that would be my most trusted and faithful companion through many adventures. But Sunfire's main reason to set loose her original lovely Mama was cause of the baby blizzard bear. That little fuzzy white bear cub most certainly needed a true mother. And now, Mama truly lived up to her name.

But my reason to love the bear goes way beyond just their looks and adorable mothering abilities. Mama never failed me. That furry bear behind always kept me safe. She kept my party safe aswell and it wasnt to uncommon while we where leveling that I got asked to bring Mama along. Sometimes to OT... sometimes even to MT our odd odysees towards the ever so distant I-will-not-reach-it-this-lifetime-level-80.

So, we established furry bear behinds saved my pretty blood elf on sevaral occasions. Sometimes that furry bear behind didnt belong to my Mama... sometimes it belonged to a druid. Now, the tanking role never truly appelaed to me. But the form a druid could take... now THAT really appealed to me. But vain as blood elf... suddenly undertaking the tauren form to become a fuzzy bear. Now that was asking a lot. So it really took me a long time before I finally rolled a tauren.. and not deleted it.

But yes, finally my tauren was born... and nothing else then the bear form was desired. The nervous part was now to try.. tanking. Now im always been a ranged class. Hunter, ranged. Mage, ranged. Priest ranged... etc. So i never truly got the hang of meleeing. It all seems so messy to me. But now... I would be the furry behind for the group to rely on. And so, the slobbering tank was born. My baby druid Valrhona. Now, my tanking experience cowers a messy run in RFC and a run in WC. So, I’m still just a baby druid. But I truly got a new found respect for the role of the tank.

First of all, all I really am is a slobbering golden retriever basicly. I go wag my tail stump and fetch the mobs for my group. But things never goes as this no-brain-all-good-intent bear retriever wishes. I think hey that group we can easily side-step... Suuure, 3 seconds later my lovely partymembers managed to pull that group.. So now the little bear retriver start frolicing between mobs ... drooling and jumping trying to fetch the aggro. Honestly, how do you tanks out there do it? I charge in and think this is goes great... But behind my furry buttom things tend to go out of hand. I need to install some rear mirror on my horns or something... I mean come on! How can you manage to make such a mess behind me all the time... its just distressing. So I’m still in in learning.. trying to figure out everything that can go wrong and go bouncy bouncy between all targets, slobbering as much as I can and trying to get them to spank my behind instead of eating the face of the lovely healer. I probably never will learn to really love melee, but I suppose I can learn to deal with it... cause after all...

I’m ze bear retriever, I lick your face! So spank me Azeroth.

And whats the point of this post? Well, I *heart* bears. Deal with it

Me and my trusted Mama out on one of our odd odysees. Mama being the bear and Im being the lovely bloodelf figure in some red mismatched red outfit to the left of some unknown orc and tauren... The pretteh blood elf boy sitting is a darling guildie


  1. It is true, the whole 'situational awareness' thing is a right royal pain in the backside (furry or otherwise). I noticed it terribly on Z when he switched to enhancement from elemental, suddently I had to concentrate on what was going on around me. Terrible news!

    Also, lovin the picture of tiny Sun...moar antique guildy pics plx :D

  2. The whole tanky thing is stupidly difficult without any AoE attacks which to my knowledge the druid/uber-bear sadly lacks, although making up for this with an extorionally high amount of health, uber-bears really need a group who respect the fact that uber-bear tanking is horrifically messy and are best suited to tanking single big nasty evil raid boss sort of things and not groups as found in common instas. kool post tho wheres my ye-olde-days pictures gone? must find them.......
