Friday 4 September 2009


Hello there and welcome to the azeroth news!

Recently there has been no new posts due to many problems from various sources but there is no need to worry!

Why am I so confident you ask? Well instead of the usual boring presenters, today we have none other than General Tuskiness himself presenting the news! *fanfare*


Greetings denzins of Azeroth!

I am the warmonger general Tuskiness DamoFez! And now ill bring you up to speed!

The Guild known as Ancient Dominion is reaching soaring new heights! But there is tension within!

Several new heroes from the guild are reaching the highly esteemed level 80 and are competing with each other for heroic spots! The officers are having to come up with new plans to keep everything controlled, you can cut the tension with a butter knife! And with sarth still at large the guild needs to gather its heroes quickly to tackle the dangers of the Obsidean Sanctum! And not to far away the vile masterminds of Naxxaramas are plotting a new scourge invasion! Ancient Dominion must act quickly to save azeroth from all the dangers which lie within!

So terrible are these perils which face Ancient Dominion that their heroes are having to work day and night perfecting 2 paths of war! Priests not only train to heal but also train to cause harm and damage with the dangerous shadow magic, warlocks are plying more effort into both affliction and destruction to become more dangerous than ever, hunters are spending longer with their pets for beast mastery and still training themselves for marksmanship and survival aspects, paladins are spending the daytime hours perfecting the arts of war and the night time hours praying to divine gods to enhance their healing powers, mages are risking their very existances by alligning themselves to 2 elements and rogues are tackling a more straight forward combat regime aswel as the stereotypical stealth approach. I personally as a warrior am currently continuing my mastery in protection while supplimenting it with specialist arms training. But even after all this the situation is still dire at best.

With all the new bloods reaching the correct criteria to join us in the fight to save azeroth from the evil powers which seek to destroy it from within, we must be strict and push harder for perfection. And to make matters worse the credit crunch has hit azeroth! Citizens all over the world are struggling to make ends meet with their incomes and outcomes, there just isnt enough gold to get everything done! Farming is becoming more of a nessesity daily with the high demands for high quality gear and such short time to obtain it all.

The final training phases are nearly over soon we have no choice but to brave the Obsidean Sanctum and take the 1st step towards thwarting the evils which seek to destroy Azeroth.

So much to do.

So little time to do it in.

Now i must leave you and join the front line to prepare for the assault!

The fate of azeroth rests in the hands of few, we can only pray that they succeed.



  1. thought i would try a new approach to this whole blogging thing let me know what you think :P

  2. I like :D I meant to say so before posting my thing on pugging, but then got all confused and excited and forgot. Anyway, I like the 'what I've been doing lately' approach.

    We are so close I can practically taste Sarth's delicious dragony juices.
