Monday 3 August 2009

Hello world, it's me, Lyriel

Hi, I'm Lyr and most of the time in game I can be found playing a Warlock as despite having been playing for just over a year, it's the only class I've managed to play all the way to 80. I'm probably going to be writing mostly about the various aspects of the warlock class and making terrible jokes (idea for a potential email response column: "(Curse of) Agony Aunts"). Apart from clearing Naxx 10 Arachnid Quarter once, and an incredibly lucky VoA where both bosses dropped warlock tokens, I don't raid, yet I still try to provide competent dps, and many of the blog posts will be focussed on how to play as well as you can without being a full time raider clearing Ulduar 25 every night.
I am absolutely dreadful at pvp and avoid it like the (ebon) plague, so there is likely to be very little in the way of warlock-based pvp advice.

As well as cackling, green-fire filled posts, I intend to muse pseudo-philosophically on issues such as world-building, real life stories and events that lore and races are based on, and the ubiquitous tropes about girl gamers. I'd also like to write about some of WoW's music as it is extraordinarily good, but I wouldn't hold your breath for that post - in fact if you suffer any shortness of breath while reading Cursor Vivat I would recommend checking for stealthed rogues using Strangulate on you. Outside of WoW I love kids' literature and fantasy literature and any combinations thereof, as well as the usual interests in comedy, good bands, trashy american tv such as Gossip Girl and giraffes.

It just remains for me to say that you're very welcome into the hive-mind of our guild, we all hope you enjoy our ramblings and maybe even find out things to make WoW (even) more enjoyable and that there's a real post coming up in the next few days. So long darlings, and thanks for all the feesh,


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