Monday 10 August 2009

Orange 1, Blogger Nil.

Note to self: Don't try to import blog articles directly from Google Docs into Blogger. According to the Troubleshooting guide, the differences between Documents and Blogs are resolved during the transfer process by a cutting edge conversion module know as "html-code rape-o-matic 2000". Unfortunately, further probing on my part lead me to discover that this does to carefully written and formatted blog posts what a bag of angry stoats does to, well pretty much anything. I retrieved my shredded and soiled post a few hours later and repaired it with the aid of Microsoft Notepad's Special Medicinal Cure. Unfortunately (again), I forgot to include the anti-stoat kernel in the new html, and thus was my post cruelly mangled a second time. Now, at long last I have defeated the evils of Blogger and uploaded something vaguely resembling the article I originally wanted to write. Victory is mine. Until next time we meet in battle Google, fare thee well.

In other news, my good-for-nothing broken sh%$£y fu&*£d-up laptop is still not back from the repair shop. Lyriel and I are off to the zoo tomorrow, and thanks to my now critical Wowdrawl I shall be resisting the urge to set fire to all furry beasts in a 30 yard radius in order to harvest their precious hides with a spork.

Until my next post, most probably from some kind of PETA correctional facility, I bid you adieu. Stay safe, and eviter les hermines.



  1. html code rape o matic! lol love it :P
    is it by any chance similar to
    vista code annoy-the-user/every-5-seconds?

  2. Zoo! Zoo! Aww I want to go to the zoo

    If you give in for ur urge.. blast the gorillas for me (by some reason I can't stand gorillas). And ofcourse I demand that you bring me small furry pets to add to my collection kk tnx

  3. Lyriel fed a giraffe!!! We tried to smuggle one back on the bus but the driver wouldn't accept that he was under 18. Alas we didn't find any gorillas, but there were a large number of gnomes who caused us great pain as we resisted the urge to hoof them into the lion enclosure to stop their incessant yelling (the gnomes...not the lions). By gnomes I of course mean the small irritating offspring of the gormless inbreds that seem to populate my home town /vitriol
